Multiple Sclerosis Can Kick Rocks
What is Multiple Sclerosis?
Multiple Sclerosis is an unpredictable disease of the central nervous system that disrupts the flow of information within the brain in between the brain and body. Most people are diagnosed with MS between the ages of 20 and 50 and women are 2-3 times more likely to be diagnosed than men. Nearly 1 million people are living with MS in the United States and globally there are now 2.8 million people who have Multiple Sclerosis and more people are being diagnosed every day.
Our Mission is to raise awareness and provide resources and support for people living with MS.
Our Vision
Multiple Sclerosis Can Kick Rocks envisions a word where people living with MS can have a strong support system and resources to help them with cope with this disease.
Our Core Values
Integrity, Respect, Honesty and an unwavering Faith.
meet the founder!
I’m Demontica Chapman, founder of Multiple Sclerosis Can Kick Rocks, Inc. In April of 2013, I was walking down a flight of stairs, and my right leg became weak and buckled underneath me. I fell down the remaining steps and my ankle and knee instantly swelled. Months later when my injury didn’t heal, I began a 2-year journey to find a diagnosis.
My health quickly declined, and my walking decreased significantly. I went from independently walking to needing a cane, walker or scooter to go anywhere. After seeing 6 different specialists, 5 different diagnostic tests and misdiagnosed 4 times, I was finally diagnosed with MS in 2015. There was an instant relief of having an answer to my symptoms, but fear immediately set in. What was Multiple Sclerosis? How do I get better? Do I even know anyone with MS?
I had so many questions and not a lot of answers. I searched and I couldn’t find anyone who looked like me or was even my age with MS. I felt incredibly lost, alone and confused. There are so many challenges with MS and not having anyone to understand is difficult. I founded MS Can Kick Rocks because I am more than my diagnosis. Every day I have to tell my MS to ‘Kick Rocks’ because I have a diagnosis to outlive. We are passionate about raising awareness and providing support to those living with Multiple Sclerosis.
What does support look for someone with MS?
*Actual responses are from those living with Multiple Sclerosis.
“I would like a weekly check in, I live alone and can’t walk.”
“Just an ear to talk to.”
“Local 1-3 day trips specializing in accessible travel.”
“A walking/swimming group.”
“Quarterly in person meeting...sometimes you need to see, touch.”
“Local MS events”
“Transportation service for rides to appointments and grocery shopping.”
“Resources for MS friendly doctors! Such as pain management, cardiologists, urologist, etc.”
“Picking up medication from the pharmacy would definitely be helpful.”
“Getting mobility aids.”
“Help with cooking, cleaning and pet care.”
Walk MS
Multiple Sclerosis Can Kick Rocks, is a non-profit organization whose primary goal is to provide financial support, resources and raise awareness in the community. Your donation will ensure that someone living with MS will have the ability to obtain items such as assistive devices, home improvement assistance, rental assistance, cooling equipment, local transportation, hospital or nursing home visits and support group meetings.
Financial Assistance Grant
Multiple Sclerosis Can Kick Rocks, assistance grant provides full or partial financial assistance for needs to assist them with home improvement, medication, assistive walking devices, mobility devices, rent and utilities that are pending eviction or disconnection.
Funds are limited and restrictions apply. Applicants must provide documentation of the need, authorization for the program coordinator to communicate directly with the party to whom the money is owed, and a doctor's verification of their MS diagnosis. Please note: Individuals who have previously received any help through this program may apply once per calendar year. To learn more or apply for assistance, email
*Funding pending*
© 2024 Multiple Sclerosis Can Kick Rocks is a tax exempt 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Its Identification Number (EIN) is 86-1371342. All rights reserved.